• -7,14%
TRUE Starter Kit AX9 - Yth.
TRUE Starter Kit AX9 - Yth.
TRUE Starter Kit AX9 - Yth.
TRUE Starter Kit AX9 - Yth.

TRUE Starter Kit AX9 - Yth.

Ultimi articoli in magazzino
130,00 € 140,00 € -7,14%
Tasse incluse


The True Hockey M16 Youth Starter Kit has all the essential equipment needed to get kids into the game of hockey. Included in the starter kit are True youth gloves, shoulder pads, elbow pads, player pants, shin guards and hockey bag.

The elbow pads and shoulder pads feature protective padding in key areas to have your child protected at all times.

The shin guards also feature protective foam padding to protect them from the many falls that are bound to come as they first hit the ice.

The Hockey Bag is big enough to fit all the equipment inside the bag, and has over the shoulder carry straps.

Watch your children enjoy playing the game knowing that you don't have to worry about their comfort or protection with the True M16 Hockey Youth Starter Kit.

SMALL / Ages 4 - 6 / Height 3'3" - 4'1" (99 cm - 124 cm) / Weight 40 - 60 lb (18 kg - 27 kg)

MEDIUM / Ages 5 - 8 / Height 3'7" - 4'4" (109 cm - 132cm) / Weight 45 - 65 lb (20 kg - 32 kg)

LARGE / Ages 6 - 9 / Height 3'11" - 4'7" (119 cm - 140 cm) / Weight 50 - 65 lb (22 kg - 32 kg)

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